Who We Are
Our group started at the Waldo County YMCA in Belfast, Maine in the spring of 2014. We played once a week at the Y until the Y's summer schedule didn't allow for us to use the gym. The Y did allow us use their pickleball net, paddles and balls and we found another home at the Searsport High School gym where we could play until early August.
We then contacted the Belfast Parks and Recreation and they generously agreed to put three courts on one of the two basketball courts at the City Park where we happily played until fall when we secured a home for the winter at the Point Lookout Fitness Center gymnasium. Needless to say, some of our members became proficient at lining out pickleball courts, both with tape and paint, and anytime a venue needed a new court, they generously agreed to do it.
During this time our little group had grown as summer residents returned to the area and were happy to find pickleball being played in Belfast. In turn these more experienced players helped pull our game along. Though the asphalt courts at City Park were rough and just barely contained the courts, the setting was outstanding with the ocean breezes, mature trees, tennis courts and community activity going on around us. As pickleball at City Park has grown more popular, our group continues to attract and increasing number of players from surrounding towns and vacationers from other areas.
In 2016, our Belfast group got approval from the Belfast City Council to turn the second basketball court into dedicated pickleball courts! After a year or more of meeting, debating, planning, trips to City Hall, etc., we now have four regulation size pickleball courts complete with permanent nets and a brand new paint job!